pyrrole-2-carboxylate monooxygenase
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Molecular Weight
Molecular Weight on EC - pyrrole-2-carboxylate monooxygenase
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.14.13.130
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oxygenase component, gel filtration. The enzyme consists of two protein components, the reductase component and the oxygenase component. The reductase is a monomer (18700 Da, mass spectrometry) and the oxygenase is a trimer (3 * 54000, mass spectrometry, gel filtration)
the enzyme consists of two protein components, the reductase component and the oxygenase component. The reductase is a monomer (18700 Da, mass spectrometry) and the oxygenase is a trimer (3 * 54000, mass spectrometry, gel filtration)