anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD)
This is an abbreviated version!
For detailed information about anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD), go to the full flat file.
FADH2-utilizing monooxygenase, GTNG_3160
Advanced search results
Results | in table |
57 | AA Sequence |
2 | Cloned(Commentary) |
3 | Cofactor |
2 | Expression |
8 | Organism |
5 | Pathway |
2 | pH Optimum |
1 | pH Range |
1 | Purification (Commentary) |
1 | Reaction |
2 | Reference |
1 | Specific Activity [micromol/min/mg] |
14 | Substrates and Products (Substrate) |
4 | Synonyms |
1 | Systematic Name |
2 | Temperature Optimum [°C] |
1 | Temperature Range [°C] |
Expression on EC - anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD)
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.14.14.8
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transcription level increases highly when anthranilate is used as the sole carbon source
transcription level increases highly when anthranilate is used as the sole carbon source