4-(hydroxymethyl)benzenesulfonate dehydrogenase
This is an abbreviated version!
For detailed information about 4-(hydroxymethyl)benzenesulfonate dehydrogenase, go to the full flat file.
sulfobenzyl alcohol dehydrogenase
Advanced search results
Results | in table |
18 | AA Sequence |
1 | CAS Registry Number |
6 | Cofactor |
1 | Localization |
1 | Metals/Ions |
2 | Molecular Weight [Da] |
25 | Organism |
3 | Pathway |
1 | Posttranslational Modification |
1 | Purification (Commentary) |
2 | Reaction |
3 | Reaction Type |
9 | Reference |
8 | Source Tissue |
13 | Substrates and Products (Substrate) |
3 | Subunits |
5 | Synonyms |
1 | Systematic Name |
Organism on EC - 4-(hydroxymethyl)benzenesulfonate dehydrogenase
for references in articles please use BRENDA:EC1.1.1.257
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strain PSB-4: loss of reductase component to utilize p-toluenesulfonate to sulfobenzoate , strain TER-1: not able to utilize p-tolunenesulfonate and sulfobenzoate due to deletion of genetic material
strain PSB-4: loss of reductase component to utilize p-toluenesulfonate to sulfobenzoate , strain TER-1: not able to utilize p-tolunenesulfonate and sulfobenzoate due to deletion of genetic material
within a cluster of a four-gene operon, that defines a regulatory unit RI, that is involved in toluenesulfonate degradation
within a cluster of a four-gene operon, that defines a regulatory unit RI, that is involved in toluenesulfonate degradation