glycogen phosphorylase entorhinal area one h after the onset of pilocarpineinduced status, staining of active glycogen phosphorylase is reduced in most regions of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex relative to saline-injected controls. One week after status, there is increased active glycogen phosphorylase and total glycogen phosphorylase, especially in the inner molecular layer, where synaptic reorganization of granule cell mossy fibre axons occurs 686535 glycogen phosphorylase entorhinal area presubiculum, but not subiculum, is strongly reactive for glycogen phosphorylase. Glycogenolytic demand in Layers I and II is organized in a modular fashion and demand can be modified by brief exposure of animals to a novel holeboard 675040 microsomal epoxide hydrolase entorhinal area - 661658