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Literature summary for extracted from

  • Yamamoto, H.; Simon, A.; Eriksson, U.; Harris, E.; Berson, E.L.; Dryja, T.P.
    Mutations in the gene encoding 11-cis retinol dehydrogenase cause delayed dark adaptation and fundus albipunctatus (1999), Nat. Genet., 22, 188-191.
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Application Comment Organism
medicine evaluation of patients with hereditary retinal diseases featuring subretinal spots, i.e. retinitis punctata albescens and fundus albipunctatus, and patients with typical dominant or recessive retinitis pigmentosa for mutations in RDH5. Mutations are found only in two unrelated patients, both with fundus albipunctatus. Mutations segregate with disease in the respective families. Recombinant mutant 11-cis retinol dehydrogenases have reduced activity compared with recombinant enzyme with wild-type sequence Homo sapiens


Cloned (Comment) Organism
expression in Cos-1 cells Homo sapiens

Protein Variants

Protein Variants Comment Organism
G238W natural mutation identiied in patient with fundus albipunctatus, about 10% residual activity Homo sapiens
S73F natural mutation identiied in patient with fundus albipunctatus, about 20% residual activity Homo sapiens

KM Value [mM]

KM Value [mM] KM Value Maximum [mM] Substrate Comment Organism Structure
11-cis-retinol-[cellular retinaldehyde binding protein] wild-type, pH not specified in the publication, temperature not specified in the publication Homo sapiens


Organism UniProt Comment Textmining
Homo sapiens Q92781

Specific Activity [micromol/min/mg]

Specific Activity Minimum [µmol/min/mg] Specific Activity Maximum [µmol/min/mg] Comment Organism
wild-type, pH not specified in the publication, temperature not specified in the publication Homo sapiens

Substrates and Products (Substrate)

Substrates Comment Substrates Organism Products Comment (Products) Rev. Reac.
11-cis-retinal-[cellular retinaldehyde binding protein] + NADH + H+ in presence of excess NADH, wild-type catalyzes the reduction of 11-cis-retinal Homo sapiens 11-cis-retinol-[cellular retinaldehyde binding protein] + NAD+
11-cis-retinol-[cellular retinaldehyde binding protein] + NAD+
Homo sapiens 11-cis-retinal-[cellular retinaldehyde binding protein] + NADH + H+